God Made You for More
Because I’m a sucker for a theme, I’ve decided to start a blog series entitled “God Made You For More.” Women have, time and again, given up so much of themselves for things other than God’s goodness and glory. The enemy has used a million little things to distract us from what we were made to be, and it is time we stand up and say “no more”.
Don’t you want to be used by the God of the universe for His purposes? If that idea doesn’t excite you, you will definitely not like this series! All I want is to do the work that God has put before me, and I am determined not to get distracted by all the little issues in my life that hold me back from that!
When we give up on ourselves and our own agendas and replace them with God and his awesome purposes, we will be filled with the Holy Spirit. And what comes with the spirit? The fruits! Those awesome, amazing, undeserved gifts of peace, love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Imagine if we dwelt for our whole lives here, in the light of the spirit as he pours out these incredible states of being on us! I’ve referred to myself many times as a “joy junkie” because I will do pretty much anything to get that sweet, sweet joy that only the spirit can provide. Without it, I can’t do much.
When I focus my attention on all the things meant to distract me from the Saviour, there is no opportunity for the spirit to move in my life. Peace is harder to come by, patience is out the window entirely, and I could laugh at the idea of gentleness.
And sister, you were made for more than all the things that are holding you back. I will talk until I am blue in the face if that is what it will take for you to believe it.
Some of the topics we are going to cover will include (but are not limited to)
- Body Image
- Fear
- Anger
- Bad Relationships
- Sexuality
- Your Kids
Did that last one surprise you? I have a feeling some people might not be prepared for what I have to say about having and raising children, seeing as that is what I am doing pretty much full time.
I so hope you’ll join me. I feel like the Lord really has a message here for all of us!
I’m rooting for you,